
The Swiss Chinese Chamber of Commerce is a networking and information platform for Swiss companies in China and Chinese companies interested in Switzerland. Our main goal is to gather on a common platform all actors of the Sino-Swiss business community, in order to strengthen the economic bonds between the two countries, stimulate interaction and develop business opportunities.

As a rule, applicants are eligible for corporate membership only. Individual membership may be considered for self-employed or non-employed applicants. Associate membership may be considered for non-Swiss corporate, young professionals (<35 y.o.), students and non-profit organizations.


根据章程,只有公司有资格申请公司会员项。 个人会员须选择自由职业者或非在职人员项。附属会员公司指非瑞士企业、或青年从业者(<35岁)、学生及非盈利组织。

  • Beijing-Individual Member (Swiss)
    12 months
    Package price
    RMB 3,000

    Individual: Self-employed Swiss individuals


    Discounted price for events and roundtables

    Discounted price for trainings and workshops

    Access to event notes and presentations

    Personal invitations to member-only events

    Receive our online and offline news (announcements, newsletters, Bridge magazine)

    Access to our member benefit program

    Vote at the General Assembly and make your voice heard

  • Beijing-Young Professional/Journalist
    12 months
    Package price
    RMB 1,500

    Young Professional/Journalist: Young professionals (members under 30) and journalists


    Discounted price for events and roundtables

    Discounted price for trainings and workshops

    Access to event notes and presentations

    Personal invitations to member-only events

    Receive our online and offline news (announcements, newsletters, Bridge magazine)

    Access to our member benefit program

    Discounted rates for advertising opportunities in the Bridge magazine, website and newsletter

    Speaking opportunities at our events

    Profit from our close ties to the embassy and pass your message directly to the political level 

  • Beijing-Honorary Member
    12 months
    Package price

    Honorary Member: to be approved by the board of directors (BOD Beijing)


    Discounted price for events and roundtables

    Discounted price for trainings and workshops

    Access to event notes and presentations

    Personal invitations to member-only events

    Receive our online and offline news (announcements, newsletters, Bridge magazine)

    Access to our member benefit program

  • South China-Individual-Non Swiss
    12 months
    Package price
    RMB 1,500
  • South China-individual-Swiss
    12 months
    Package price
    RMB 1,500
  • South China-Honorary Individual
  • Shanghai-Individual Member
    12 months
    Package price
    RMB 2,400
  • Shanghai-Individual Associate Member
    12 months
    Package price
    RMB 2,400
  • Shanghai-Young Professional
    12 months
    Package price
    RMB 600

    Member without voting rights, under 30 years old and self-employed or not working at the time of application

  • Shanghai-National - Individual Member (Swiss)
    12 months
    Package price
    RMB 2,400
  • Shanghai-National - Individual Associate Member (Non-Swiss)
    12 months
    Package price
    RMB 2,400