Event Details

In 1950, China and Switzerland established diplomatic relations, laying the foundation for a partnership rooted in mutual respect and shared economic interests. Over the past 75 years, our two nations have fostered a dynamic and collaborative relationship, with trade and investment serving as key pillars of this enduring bond. In 2013, China and Switzerland signed the Sino-Swiss Free Trade Agreement (SSFTA). Over the past decade, both countries are committed to deepening economic cooperation and addressing challenges faced by businesses under SSFTA.

In collaboration with the Consulate General of Switzerland in Shanghai, Swiss Centers China, and the Shanghai Waigaoqiao Group, we are pleased to invite you to this year's roundtable discussion. The event will bring together Swiss company representatives, trade experts, and customs authorities to celebrate the 75th anniversary of Sino-Swiss diplomatic relations and explore ways to deepen economic collaboration and address challenges faced by businesses in China.

This workshop offers a unique opportunity to engage in meaningful discussions on strengthening bilateral trade. With a practical and solution-driven approach, we aim to support Swiss companies in navigating the evolving business landscape by discussing latest policies and concrete cases.

We believe that open dialogue and constructive exchanges will provide valuable insights for all participants, further enhancing the strong partnership between our two nations. Join us as we commemorate this historic milestone and work together to shape a prosperous future for Sino-Swiss relations.

IMPORTANT: To ensure efficient and productive discussion during the event, participants are invited to send their cases with concrete questions to us before April 4th, 2025. Please send an email to Ms. Cherry Huang (cherry.huang@swisscham.org) with your questions in English or Chinese.

Event participation is limited to Swiss companies and companies that are in the International Trade.


1950年,中国和瑞士建立外交关系,为两国建立以相互尊重和共同经济利益为基础的伙伴关系奠定了基础。在过去的75年中,两国建立了充满活力的合作关系,贸易和投资是这一持久纽带的重要支柱。2013 年,中国和瑞士签署了《中瑞自由贸易协定》。过去十年来,两国致力于深化经济合作,应对企业在该协定下面临的挑战。







  • 13:30 – 14:00 Registration
  • 14:00 – 14:05 Welcome Speech by Mr. Istvan Kocsis, Deputy Consul General of Consulate General of Switzerland in Shanghai
  • 14:05 – 14:10 Welcome Speech by Mr. Bin Chen, Vice President of the Waigaoqiao Group
  • 14:10 – 14:50 Customs Inspection Training Presentation by Shanghai Customs Officer
  • 14:50 – 15:00 Q&A
  • 15:00 - 15:40 Case Study by Mr. Yanqin Zhang, GM of JH Business Consultancy
  • 15:40 - 16:00 Q&A
  • 16:00 - 16:30 Networking
  • 13:30 – 14:00 签到
  • 14:00 – 14:05 瑞士驻沪副总领事高奕帆先生致辞
  • 14:05 – 14:10 上海外高桥集团股份有限公司副总经理陈斌先生致辞
  • 14:10 – 14:50 上海海关官员介绍海关检查培训情况
  • 14:50 – 15:00 问答环节
  • 15:00 - 15:40 基昊商务总经理张雁卿先生分享案例
  • 15:40 - 16:00 问答环节
  • 16:00 - 16:30 社交环节


Please note that event participation is limited to Swiss companies and companies that are in the International Trade.


Organizer & Partners

Refund Policy & Disclaimer

退改政策 Cancellation of RSVP


In case you need to cancel your attendance to the event, please write an email to: cherry.huang@swisscham.org at least 48 hours prior to the event. Failure to cancel your RSVP timely will require the payment of a "no show bill" of the full amount stated in this invitation. For third-party events, the event terms and conditions of the event organizer apply.

免责声明 Disclaimer

作为活动主(承)办方中国瑞士商会(上海)将在活动现场进行摄影和/或摄像,并可能在公共网页及社交媒体平台上公布以用于活动后期宣传及介绍。参加中国瑞士商会(上海)的活动,将视同您默认中国瑞士商会(上海)有权因上述原因及以上述方式使用具有您肖像的照片或视频。如有异议,请及时联系 cherry.huang@swisscham.org


Please notice that Swiss Chinese Chamber of Commerce Shanghai (as the host of the event) will take photographs and/or videos from the event and might post these on its public webpage and or social media platforms in order to create awareness and introduction of its events. By attending this event you consent to the Swiss Chinese Chamber of Commerce Shanghai taking and using photographs or videos of you as described above. Please contact [cherry.huang@swisscham.org] immediately if you have any inquiries related to this matter.