This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other SwissCham Shanghai events.

Event Details

Focused on exploring the key differences and strategic opportunities for China and Southeast Asian countries such as Thailand and Vietnam, we warmly invite you to an event initiated by the SwissCham HR Committee. Scheduled for Thursday, February 27, this session will feature experts from JP Contagi and Rödl & Partner who will provide insights into these crucial aspects. Understanding these regions is vital for businesses looking to expand or refine their strategies in Asia's dynamic markets.

Event Highlights:

  • 📊 Insightful Comparative Analysis Across Three Key Markets: Dive into an exclusive overview of three pivotal jurisdictions, exploring critical factors such as minimum wage trends, salary benchmarks, living costs tailored for C-level expatriates and average expenditure patterns.
  • 📂Essential Legal Guidelines for Hiring Foreign Expats: Explore critical employer requirements, visa and work permit processes, tax implications, and unique legal considerations for expatriates in China, Thailand, and Vietnam.

Who should attend?

  • 👔 C-level leaders looking to hire personnel and invest in these markets, as well as expats seeking detailed insights to inform their professional and personal decisions.

We are looking forward to seeing you at the event!




  • 📊 三个主要市场的比较分析:深入了解三个关键司法管辖区的独家概况,探索最低工资趋势、薪资基准、为 C 级外派人员量身定制的生活成本以及平均支出模式等关键因素。
  • 📂 雇佣外籍人士的基本法律指南: 探讨中国、泰国和越南对外籍人士的关键雇主要求、签证和工作许可流程、税务影响以及独特的法律注意事项。


  • 👔 希望在这些市场招聘员工和投资的高级管理人员,以及寻求详细见解以了解其职业和个人决策的外籍人士



  • 8:00 - 8:30 Registration
  • 8:30 - 9:45 Presentations & Discussion
  • 9:45 - 10:00 Networking & Closing
  • 8:00 - 8:30 签到
  • 8:30 - 9:45 专题演讲 & 讨论
  • 9:45 - 10:00 交流环节 & 结语



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