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Save the dateOctober 26, 20235:00 PM - 11:00 PM GMT+8 Add to Calendar
Venue Location
Venue Location

北京诺金酒店 NUO Hotel Beijing (Lidu)

朝阳区将台路甲2号 2A Jiangtai Road, Chaoyang District
Beijing, China

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Organizer: SwissCham China
Contact Person: Guillaume Joyet
Event Details
Event Details

Dear Members and Friends of SwissCham,

The Sino-Swiss Business Awards (SSBA) is a highly regarded biyearly event organized by SwissCham China in partnership with the Swiss Embassy. Its primary objective is to recognize and celebrate companies's significant contributions to the Swiss and Chinese business communities.

Building upon the success of previous editions held in 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019, and 2021, this year marks the 10th years anniversary of the SSBA in Beijing. The event comprises five distinct categories that aim to highlight outstanding companies, and organizations that have achieved remarkable accomplishments in innovation, sustainability, quality, talent development and digitalization and displayed unwavering dedication to the Sino-Swiss business community.



Looking forward to seeing you at the Sino-Swiss Business Awards 2023 Gala Night!

With best regards,

SwissCham Team

  • 5:00 PM - 5:40 PM



    5:40 PM - 6:00 PM

    Cocktail in the Foyer

    Cocktail in the Foyer

    6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

    Opening and Award Ceremony

    Opening and Award Ceremony

    7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

    Gala Dinner

    Gala Dinner

    9:00 PM - 11:00 PM

    Closing Ceremony and after-party

    Closing Ceremony and after-party

About the SSBA
About the SSBA

The Sino-Swiss Business Awards (SSBA) is an event organized by SwissCham China, in cooperation with the Swiss Embassy and swissnex in China, to thank companies for their achievements over the past years and to recognize their contribution to both the Swiss and Chinese business communities. 

After four successful editions in 2013, 2015, 2017 and 2019, 2021 this is the sixth year that the Sino-Swiss Business Awards will be organized in Beijing. In different categories, the Awards will showcase individuals, companies, and organizations that have achieved distinct results and demonstrated the highest level of commitment to the Sino-Swiss business community, Swiss foreign trade and the promotion of Switzerland in China and vice-versa. 

The Sino-Swiss Business Awards are open to all fully or partially Swiss owned companies, individuals and organizations as well as to Chinese companies or organizations with a strong link to Switzerland.




Why enter the SSBA? / 为何参与奖项竞逐?

The Sino-Swiss Business Awards offer the perfect platform to showcase your company's success, gain exposure and celebrate with your employees and the Sino-Swiss business community in Beijing. The different Award categories bring together businesses across all sectors and give you the opportunity to expand your network.

Why enter the Awards:

  • Positive publicity for your company
  • Join a network of outstanding organizations
  • Impress partners, clients, investors and competitors
  • The profiles of the finalists will be included in the event's dedicated webpage and brochure
  • Exposure to the Roadshow, including project presentations and matchmaking session, as well as Social media presence in the Swiss Embassy's 2024 Public Diplomacy Campaign by co-producing a video with the Swiss Embassy
  • Media coverage: thanks to an exclusive planned partnership with key Swiss and Chinese media, the SSBA will benefit from a very interesting and qualitative coverage of the whole ceremony as well as a portrait of all the winners



  • 公司正面宣传
  • 加入杰出社团社交网
  • 优秀的合作伙伴、客户、投资者及竞争对手
  • 入围者介绍将在活动相关页面及手册上展示
  • 获奖者将在路演活动中进行项目展示和对接会。还将与瑞士大使馆合作制作宣传视频并在瑞士大使馆社交媒体上展示
  • 媒体报道:与中瑞主流媒体独家合作,中瑞商业大奖颁奖盛典全程报道,内容丰富有趣,报道将刊登所有获奖者照片。
Award Categories
Award Categories

The SSBA will include 5 distinct award categories, each highlighting a specific industry and topic. These categories guarantee a comprehensive representation of various industries and ensure that both Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and Multinational Corporations (MNCs) have equal opportunities to be recognized separately. In each award category, there will be two awards given, one to an MNC and another to an SME, further emphasizing fairness and inclusivity.

In the Swissnex Innovation Pioneer Award category, there will be an additional sub-category exclusively for start-ups, allowing them to participate and compete in recognition of their unique contributions and innovative approaches.

  • Swissnex - Innovation Pioneer Award
  1. Swissnex - Innovation Pioneer Award for SMEs 
  2. Swissnex - Innovation Pioneer Award for Large Corporate 
  3. Swissnex - Innovation Pioneer Award for Start-up 

This award recognizes Swiss companies and Start-up that demonstrate exceptional innovation in their products, services, or business processes, setting new standards and pushing boundaries.

  • Sustainable Development Award 
  1. Sustainable Development Award for SMEs 
  2. Sustainable Development Award for Large Corporate

This award celebrates Swiss companies that prioritize sustainable practices, demonstrating a commitment to environmental responsibility, social impact, and ethical business conduct.

  • Quality Excellence Award 
  1. Quality Award for SMEs 
  2. Quality Award for Large Corporate

This award honors Swiss companies that consistently deliver high-quality products and services, exceeding customer expectations and maintaining strict quality standards.

  • Prime Time - Digital Transformation Award 
  1. Prime Time - Digital Transformation Award for SMEs 
  2. Prime Time - Digital Transformation Award for Large Corporate

This award acknowledges Swiss companies that have successfully embraced digital transformation, leveraging technology to drive innovation, efficiency, and competitiveness.

  • Talent Development and Diversity Award
  1. Talent Development and Diversity Award for SMEs 
  2. Talent Development and Diversity Award for large corporate

This award celebrates Swiss companies that foster a culture of talent development, diversity, and inclusion, creating an environment that attracts, nurtures, and retains top talent.

Application form (excel) 


Allow us to introduce the exceptional experts who will play a pivotal role in evaluating and recognizing outstanding contributions to the Sino-Swiss business community at the Sino-Swiss Business Awards (SSBA). Below, we present our esteemed jury panellists, each bringing a unique set of skills and experiences to this esteemed panel.


The Roadshow

The Roadshow is complementary initiative of the SSBA, during which companies have the opportunity to showcase their achievements and/or products in their selected award category at four different events hosted around China.

These events are organized in four different cities in collaboration with the local chamber of commerce and will consist of two main parts: project presentation and matchmaking session.

All the award candidates will have to present their projects in the selected award category. This segment provides a platform for candidates to showcase their successful strategies and approaches. It enables them to exchange valuable insights and experiences with local and international participants.

A matchmaking will be co-hosted with the local International Chinese Chamber of Commerce. This interactive session allows candidates to engage in targeted discussions and explore potential collaborations with Chinese partners. The purpose is to facilitate meaningful connections and foster mutually beneficial business relationships.



将与当地国际商会共同举办对接会。此次互动环节让候选人能够进行有针对性的讨论,并探索与中国合作伙伴的潜在合作。 目的是促进有意义的联系并培育互利的业务关系。

Social media presence in the Swiss Embassy's 2024 Public Diplomacy Campaign

The winners of the business award in each category will have the chance to co-produce, with the Swiss Embassy, a video featuring one of their employees, showcasing their company's success story and highlighting its connection with Switzerland. The videos will be shared on the Embassy's social media network as part the 2024 Public Diplomacy Campaign.

每个类别的商业奖获奖者将有机会与瑞士大使馆共同制作一段由其一名员工出镜的宣传视频,展示其公司的成功故事并强调其与瑞士的联系。 作为 2024 年公共外交活动的一部分,这些视频被分享在大使馆的社交媒体上。

Engage a Massive Fanbase:

new Public Voting App

To enhance the visibility of sponsor companies, we have introduced an innovative addition to the traditional jury, which consists of Swiss Embassy representatives and experts. In addition to their evaluation, the general public will also have the opportunity to vote, although their votes will carry less weight compared to the experts and the rest of the jury.

The inclusion of public voting serves as a means to generate visibility throughout society. This groundbreaking feature will significantly amplify the visibility of our sponsors, as their presence will be prominently showcased on the app, reaching thousands of potential voters.


纳入公众投票是提高全社会知名度的一种手段。 这一突破性的功能将显著提高赞助商的知名度,品牌将在投票应用程序上展示,吸引成千上万的潜在客户。

Exclusive Industry Recognition

By actively engaging in the Sino-Swiss Business Awards and taking full advantage of the roadshow, video production, and ambassador visit opportunities, your company can unlock new levels of recognition, visibility, and business potential, above all, celebrate your own progress with the vibrant Sino-Swiss business community.

For event sponsors, this presents a unique advantage that extends beyond the SwissCham community, reaching a wider audience of companies and individuals within the Chinese business community. By leveraging the extensive network of thousands of members within the international chamber, sponsors can benefit from increased visibility and access to a diverse range of potential business partners.



Organizer and Partners
Organizer and Partners
How to Apply
How to Apply
  1. Choose the award category you would like to apply for. Companies can maximum apply two 2 awards categories. 请您选择您想申请的奖项类别。每家公司最多可申请两个奖项类别。
  2. Fill out the corresponding excel sheet in the APPLICATION FORM​. 请填写SSBA2023申请表​
  3. Send the completed file to: before August 27, 2023. 在2023年8月27日之前,将填写完整的文件发送至guillaume.joyet@bei.swisscham.org邮箱。

During the month of August and September a jury consisting of 9 people will then evaluate those criteria, and depending on the result, your company might be selected as one of the 3 remaining nominees in your chosen award category.


Sponsorship Packages
Sponsorship Packages


Why sponsor the Sino-Swiss Business Awards / 为何赞助中瑞商业大奖?

  • VIPS: Representatives from MOFCOM, MCIT, MOHRS, MOE as well as Swiss authorities will be invited to participate 商务部、人力资源部、教育部以及瑞士当局的代表将受邀参加
  • China-Wide: A national event involving members and representatives across China 全国范围内的会员和代表参与的活动
  • Business Driven: This edition is catered to businesses looking to highlight their Swissness, reconnect with partners and find new ones. 此次大奖专为希望突出瑞士特色、与合作伙伴重新建立联系并寻找新合作伙伴的企业而设计。

Sponsoring the Sino-Swiss Business Awards creates unique opportunities for your business to engage key communities, position your brand and expand your network. By being represented at the Sino-Swiss Business Awards, you maximize your exposure and gain access to a community of successful business owners, important players in the Beijing area and throughout China, and potential clients for your products.

The Sino-Swiss Business Awards sponsorship program is specifically designed to provide you with good product-placement opportunities, strong brand recognition through high logo visibility, and many other platforms for the promotion of your business. For more details on the corporate advertising opportunities offered by the Sino-Swiss Business Awards please see the exclusive sponsorship offers below.



Sponsorship Opportunities / 赞助机会

Sponsoring this event not only gives you the opportunity to associate your company with a very high-profile event but also to gain access to successful business owners and important players in China and Switzerland.


We offer you the following sponsorship opportunities:



Financial Sponsorship Packages / 资金赞助方案


Individual Entrance (Member)

RMB 988

Individual Entrance (Non-Member)

RMB 1,388

Premium Corporate Table

Premium Corporate tables (max. 10 seats) are located in a central area closer to the VIP tables and the stage. Your company logo will be displayed on the table and listed in the event booklet and further event promotion. This offer is only available for members of SwissCham.

RMB 14,500

Corporate Table

With Corporate tables (max. 10 seats) Your company logo will be displayed on the table and listed in the event booklet and further event promotion. This offer is only available for members of SwissCham.

RMB 11,500

Standard Corporate Table

10 seats, no logo promotion included.
Offer valid for SwissCham Beijing members only.

RMB 9,500